Coding Inequity: Assessing GPT-4's Potential for Perpetuating Racial and Gender Biases in Healthcare
Background Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 hold great promise as transformative tools in healthcare, ranging from automating …
Towards Medical Billing Automation: NLP for Outpatient Clinician Note Classification
Mitigating the impact of biased artificial intelligence in emergency decision-making
What's in a Summary? Laying the Groundwork for Advances in Hospital-Course Summarization
Assessing 3 Outbreak Detection Algorithms in an Electronic Syndromic Surveillance System in a Resource-Limited Setting
ML4H Abstract Track 2019
ML4H Abstract Track 2020
Investigating inequities in hospital care among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals using social media
The effect of microbial colonization on the host proteome varies by gastrointestinal location
Monitoring Acute Diarrhea via an Electronic Surveillance System in the Peruvian Navy